
Chronically ill patients account for 5% of the US population but 50% of healthcare spending. We can do better, and HealthTeamWorks® is committed to driving change to reduce healthcare spending. 

Leaders from five healthcare foundations asserted in a recent issue of the New England Journal of Medicine that meaningful improvement in the health system will require improvement in care for those patients using it the most: people with multiple chronic conditions.  Critical to the design of effective interventions, these leaders say, is segmenting the high-need, high-cost population into subgroups with similar health care requirements. Several promising care models have demonstrated success, and these include programs that focus on transitions in care and extending primary care teams by integrating nonmedical services.nonmedical services.

HealthTeamWorks® is evolving to meet this future challenge head on – we’re launching new initiatives that integrate the healthcare delivery and social safety net systems/social determinants of health in Colorado and beyond.

Caring for High-Need, High-Cost Patients - An Urgent Priority