We Are HealthTeamWorks

2022 Annual Report by HealthTeamWorks

We Are HealthTeamWorks

As I ponder the enormity of our vision for health, equity, and resilience in the world, it’s easy to be intimidated. Visions are supposed to be aspirational; they should inspire us. We, collectively, have a formidable task ahead of us.

Since our strategic refresh in 2020, much has happened to challenge this vision. Though lived experiences varied by individual and community, no one escaped the impact of a pandemic, of social unrest, and of its inevitable impact on health.

In 2022, while we worked alongside others in pursuit of this vision, we didn’t overlook our own need as an organization to remain resilient and to build equity into all that we do. We are unequivocally devoted to the pursuit of this vision. We can see it!

Desmond Tutu encouraged us all to ‘Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.’ This complex and adaptive work requires unrelenting energy. We rarely experience immediate reward. Progress is the name of the game, and we are here for it!...

Read more in our 2022 Annual Report!


Collaboratively transform healthcare through performance improvement, organization development, and training resulting in a strengthened community and culturally responsive high-quality care.



Health. Equity. Resilience.



Commitment to Learning

Cultivating expertise, relevance, and expanding capabilities with an intrinsic commitment to individual and organizational learning, application, and dissemination

Continuous Improvement

Pursuing excellence and optimal impact by strengthening what’s working and changing what’s not


Addressing challenges with agility and fueled by data insights, stakeholder engagement, systems thinking, learning and curiosity


Working together across and outside the organization, with an abundance mindset


Deep regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, and traditions of all people and the communities in which they live