
There are many paths to value based care and the achievement of the quadruple aim and each of them include components of Access and Continuity, Comprehensiveness and Coordination, Population Health and Care Management, Behavioral Health Integration, Team-Based Care, and Patient and Caregiver Engagement. We've collected evidence-based processes and tools to adapt your practice, network, or system as the demands of the industry or your patients evolve.

Integration and coordination are the name of the game as we move into alternative payment models and regional accountability.

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As the new administration and the GOP propose various iterations of ACA replacement ideas and plans, I’ve succumbed to the temptation to evaluate their potential impact on patients, providers, payers, HealthTeamWorks, and the healthcare industry as a whole. Keeping pace has been no small feat – as congressional leaders consider an “invisible risk sharing” modification to the previously proposed American Health Care Act (AHCA)  – it remains unclear what the first wave of change will entail.

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St. James Healthcare in Butte, Montana received level 3 NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Recognition for using evidence-based, patient-centered processes that focus on highly coordinated care.

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on 30 Sep 2016 12:00 AM
  • PCMH
  • NCQA